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Voices of Lived Experience of Eating Disorders


Inspiration, lessons, insights from the people who have lived experience of having or supporting someone with an eating disorder

The Aftermath

The Aftermath By AJA My daughter is in full recovery from Anorexia. Our family went through one hell of a battle to save her life.…

One Bite at a Time

By Annika Agresti The smell of sage wafted heavily in the air. My mother walked around every room and corner of the house with tears…

When a Burden Becomes a Privilege

By Selina Elison On a promising day, my daughter would go to school and I would be alone in the house. I would make a…

Autism and Eating Disorders: A Journey of Acceptance and Awareness

By Rev. Ryan Althaus; MDiv, MBC Today is what I’ve come to call a disorder day—an unpleasant, often unpredictable, pill-popping, anxiety-ridden, hold fast to whatever sane or…

Sitting With Our Distress

By Sarah It was all so simple when our loved ones were young. If they fell and scraped their knee, we knew a bit of…

DIEt vs HEALth

By Katie Maki aka mamabear One of the most frustrating things for me as a parent of a child who has had an eating disorder…

The Strangers in Your House

The Eating Disorder Personas That Try To Resist Recovery by Oona Hanson When your child is in the grips of an eating disorder, it can…

Dear Family

By AJA Dear Family, Today, your child was diagnosed with an eating disorder. Today, a doctor that you’ve never met told you that your child…

Caring for a Child with an Eating Disorder, Self Harm, and Suicidality

By K Note: I will share some of our journey below, but it does describe self harm (SH) and suicide attempts (SA). If you prefer…

Why Have Lived Experience at the Table?

By Laney Park, F.E.A.S.T. Parent Support Volunteer “It’s not the same thing. They’re not the same thing.”  The words rang out. Followed by a clarification.…